CEA Turtle Camp 2022-Needs Your Support

Centro Ecologico Akumal (CEA) launched the 2022 Turtle Camp season; this will be the twenty-seventh season of conservation and protection by the ecological non governmental, not for profit institution founded in 1993 in Akumal.   Fortunately, Claudia Leon, hydrologist and marine turtle coordinator for the center,  is returning after an extremely challenging first year with the Akumal Camp.  Not having a technician per beach has increasingly become a stress due to human impact/development, sargasso and other climate change issues like the increase of storms, high tide and water and sand temperatures not to mention the pandemic restrictions and the consequential hit to funding.   With the  increased needs of helping the hundreds expected over a thousand nests to  be laid this season, and a decrease in  resources to funding for staff,  the camp has been  relying more and more on the dedication and assistance of the residential volunteer group, the Guardians of Akumal Turtles, and a variety of youth and volunteer travellers, looking to pitch in, and help the cause.

Flash forward to the past two years-2020/2021 and you can see hard at work CEA staff, volunteers and the Guardians of Akumal’s Turtles all working together to help the nesting sea turtles and all the while educating, preparing and spreading the word about the sacred sea turtles from which Akumal, the place of the turtles.

Because six of the seven species of Marine turtles are endangered, and are  protected by international and Mexican laws. CEA’s Turtle Nesting Protection Program is operated through a permit and our plan is based on SEMARNAT guidelines, more commonly known as NOMs (Norma Oficial Mexicana).  NOM-162-SEMARNAT-2012 which provides us with the foundation of our action plan during the nesting season for conservation and protection of the turtles.


On March 17th leaders and members of the Guardians of Akumal’s Turtles (Guardians) and some members of Rotary Club Tulum joined CEA executive director Héctor Lizarrga, Claudia Leon, Angie Pech and CEA board members Laura Bush Wolfe and Mike & Linda Mulgrew.   Post presentation more than 16 Guardians, lead by Rozeanne Quintero have registered to once again support the camp.
If you are a resident and would like to register to become a part of this group, you do need to commit to the season with options of taking weeks or months off.    Please do visit the Guardian Registration on the new CEA website, stop in the office or call us at + 52 984-217-3385.

CEA Website    http://www.ceakumal.org/ 


Each year the camp has expenses running around $30,000 USD.  The past two seasons we have been unable to attain this amount and have run short.   Funding sources for the program come from the following:  Approximately $11,000USD of the very tight budget comes from the CEA/CUIA endowment fund.   Another $8,000-$10,000 comes from an anonymous donor, and this year and last we have received a donation for a Tortugero salary from Lisa Wilson (owner of Casa Fortuna). Bill & Betsy Miller who join the Guardians as experienced volunteers have raised funds through garage sales and other events every year and are intending to help the program again this year.   Linda and Mike Mulgrew donated stakes and Retro T-shirts for sale,    Laura and Dave Wolfe raised some funds at this year’s Super Bowl at Loh Ha and we are really pleased to list a sponsorship from the Rotary Club Tulum for nest marking signs for Akumal South. Members of the Rotary have been getting more involved.  We are still looking for $500-$1000USD donations for nest signs specifically and also turtle signs with steps to help the nesting turtles.   If you have a property interested in sponsoring  for Half Moon Bay and or Playa Tortuga/Jade Bay- There is the option to have a hotel property name or sponsor placed on signs.   Please contact the office at https://ceakumal.org/donaciones/#descubre-como-donar  Or call + 52 984-217-3385 and speak with Administration. Donations can also be made through the Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF) either via PayPAl or Yucatan Environmental Foundation (YEF) c/o Kim Freeark 304 Fairbank Rd Riverside IL 60546-2215 
Please note what category of CEA donation you are making. Please include your email address so we can save paper and send your tax receipt electronically.
Don’t forget we will also be promoting the adopt a sea turtle campaign. 
 Our drive for funding to meet this year’s basic camp needs is short: $8,000 USD specifically these funds are needed for salaries for one or two more  experienced turtle technicians,  working the camp June, July and August & September.   Our accommodations are barracks and consist of four bunks per room.   Please contact us to learn more about where your needed funds would go.   Thank-you.

Direct link to adoptions: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=CFDYCPT4EQWS2 

Link to Donadora Campaign: https://donadora.org/campanas/tortugas-marinas-akumal

Centro Ecologico Akumal 

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